
For the visibility of your activities, the CIAR 1 space offers you the opportunity to occupy an exhibition stand of 18 m2 (3mx6m), at the price of 5,000,000 F CFA N.B : 2 to 4 exhibitors can come together to reserve a stand at the price of 5,000,000 FCFA

CIAR 2024

Design note relating to the 1st International Conference on Afforestation and Reforestation

Despite the commitments made by States within the framework of the Paris Agreement, it is necessary to see that climate change is accelerating. The sixth report of the Group of Intergovernmental Experts on Climate Change, acronym IPCC, in particular on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, published in February 2022, clearly shows that many climate risks are greater than expected, particularly for African countries because of their vulnerability.

Faced with this climatic peril, the repercussions of which would certainly compromise the achievement of sustainable development goals within the framework of the 2030 agenda, on the one hand, and those of the African Union's 2063 agenda, on the other hand, and independently of the solutions possible technologies, the level of collective commitment aimed at preserving forests, in general, and tropical forests, in particular, known as the lungs of humanity, will undoubtedly go up a notch.

In a global context doubly marked by an economic and financial crisis persistence and an increase in needs for various forest products, the strategies to put in place for this purpose, should prioritize, among other things, the extension of coverage global forestry through the promotion of forest and agroforestry plantations, - one of the solutions based on nature, renowned for low cost, whose products constitute real alternatives to those from natural forests. However, in consideration of complex political, technical and financial implications linked to this option, its effectiveness lies in the fact that it should be implemented within the framework of a coalition world supported by the highest institutions which govern relations between States.

The “World Decade of Afforestation” launched at the initiative of the Republic of Congo through the voice of its President, His Excellency Mr. Denis SASSOU-NGUESSO, on 7 November 2022, on the occasion of the holding of the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27), proceeds thus of this need to weave a sort of framework between strategic frameworks, Agreements, conventions, initiatives and lessons learned, relating to the planetary scale to the themes of afforestation and reforestation, in particular:
(i) The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development of 1992, of which the 27 principles, not legally binding but authoritative, for a global consensus on management, conservation and exploitation ecologically viable of all types of forests;
(ii) The United Nations strategic plan on forests 2017-2030;
(iii) The role of forests, particularly planted forests, in mitigating the effects climate change;
(ix) The Paris Climate Agreement, in particular its Article 5 on taking measures to preserve and, where necessary, strengthen wells and reservoirs of Greenhouse Gases (GHG), particularly forests to capture GHG emissions and preserve ecosystems;
(v) The Bonn Challenge, a global effort to reforest degraded and deforested whose objective is to reforest 350 million hectares before 2030, thus being part of the global effort for the climate, but also in other development sustainability objectives;
(vi) Commitments to stop and reverse deforestation and degradation land by 2030, declared by leaders in Glasgow on forests and land use at the 16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) held in Scotland in 2021;
(vii) The Initiative for the Restoration of African Forest Landscapes (AFR100);
(viii) The contribution made by the implementation of the REDD+ mechanism to the fight against climate change, and efforts to reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) through sustainable forest management, conservation of biodiversity and the increase in carbon stocks through afforestation and reforestation;
(ix) In several regions of the world, the supply of large wood energy is one of the main causes of deforestation and forest degradation, and that the sale of wood energy constitutes a real source of income for Local Communities and Indigenous Populations (CLPA);
(x) Only sub-regional and international cooperation in management natural resources can generate significant results, in terms of the fight against the rampant depletion of these resources, desertification and loss of biodiversity;
(xi) Benefits to the community international community to act in a united and concerted manner in the fight against climate change;
(xi) The COMIFAC Convergence Plan for the ten-year period 2015- 2025, in particular its priority axis relating to the fight against the effects of climate change and desertification;
(xii) The many other initiatives underway around the world relating to afforestation, like the Green Wall project;
(xiii) Meeting the needs of a growing world population and urbanization leads to a further disappearance of 10 million hectares of forests every year, with disastrous consequences for the climate, the planet and human health, hindering the achievement of the Program of sustainable development by 2030, etc.

At the request of the Republic of Congo, this initiative was endorsed by the Union Africa under the label of “African and Global Afforestation Decade” following the Decision 846 of XXXVI, resulting from the 36th session of Heads of State of the African Union (AU), held from February 17 to 18, 2023, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which also announced the organization of the first International Conference on Afforestation and Reforestation (CIAR), in June 2024, in Brazzaville, in the Republic of Congo, under under the auspices of the African Union and the United Nations Forum on Forests.

II - Objectives of the Conference

The main objective of the Conference is the definition of a strategy aimed at increasing of the global forest area on the basis of international cooperation through the systematization of afforestation and reforestation activities with a view to (i) increasing the atmospheric carbon sequestration capacity as part of the fight against climate change, (ii) preserve habitats and biodiversity, (iii) support and/or maximize the production of goods and services provided by forests.
Specifically, the Conference aims to:
• establish an inventory of afforestation and reforestation on a global scale;
• adopt a global afforestation and reforestation strategy, including technical, scientific and financial aspects;
• request the inclusion of the African and Global Afforestation Decade” in the United Nations Agenda, through a global declaration on afforestation and reforestation;
• designate a body to monitor the implementation of the recommendations of the conference.

III - Expected results

the inventory of afforestation and reforestation on a global scale is established;
• the global afforestation and reforestation strategy, including aspects technical, scientific and financial is adopted;
• the global declaration on afforestation and reforestation as well as the inscription of the African and Global Afforestation Decade” are adopted and published in the United Nations Agenda.
• the body for monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of the Conference is designated ;
• the conference proceedings are published.

IV - Presentations

• State of play, by FAO
o Afforestation (afforestation);
o Reforestation/Restoration/Enrichment.
• Climate emergency, role of forests and impact on human lives
o Ecological and environmental issues;
o Reforestation/Forest Restoration/Local Communities and Populations Indigenous people;
o Afforestation/Reforestation and carbon credits.
• Innovative scientific solutions for afforestation and reforestation
o Afforestation, reforestation and scientific research;
o Environmental and social safeguards;
o Sharing experiences of afforestation, reforestation, forest restoration (Congo, DRC, Indonesia, Honduras, Brazil, Africa South, China, Canada, Sahel countries (Green Wall), etc.).
• Financing and partnership
o Public funding;
o Private investments in industrial plantations;
o Contributions from Technical and Financial Partners in the implementation of national afforestation and reforestation programs.
• African decade of afforestation and reforestation: objectives, impacts, expected results and indicators
o Presentation of the draft global strategy for afforestation and reforestation, including technical, scientific and financial aspects;
o Presentation of the draft global declaration on afforestation and reforestation including the inscription of the African and World Decade of Afforestation” in the United Nations Agenda, by the UNFF.
These presentations must be available no later than 2024

V - Participants

The Conference on Afforestation and Reforestation will bring together the categories of participants below:
• representatives of States (Heads of State or Government, Ministers, etc.);
• regional and sub-regional political and economic organizations;
• representatives of partner organizations;
• the global scientific community;
• financial partners and donors;
• international forest, climate and biodiversity organizations;
• international NGOs;
• international civil society organizations.
Around 2,000 participants are expected.

VI - Communication and awareness

Communication and awareness raising on the International Afforestation Conference and Reforestation will be carried out by a specialized agency to be selected, under the aegis of the Conference Secretariat.

VII – Conference Secretariat

The preparation and organization of the conference will be ensured by a secretariat. composed of experts from the UNFF, the African Union Commission and Congo.

VIII - Format

The Conference will be structured into three components:
➢ expert sessions (2 days);
➢ ministerial segment (1 day);
➢ summit of Heads of State and Government (1 day), followed by a planting out of 10 hectares near the venue of the Conference.

The expert segment will prepare a draft strategy for mobilizing resources to enable the implementation of the recommendations to be submitted to the ministers for their approval.
The ministerial segment will lead reflections and discussions with particular emphasis on key questions related to the operationalization of recommendations and measures potential to answer these questions, as well as on the common position in favor funding and investments for the implementation of the recommendations of the Brazzaville conference.
The Summit of Heads of State and Government will analyze and adopt the proposals of recommendations from the Conference.
The establishment of the 10 hectare plantation will allow participants to internalize Congo's experience in afforestation and reforestation but also to mark the holding of the first international conference on afforestation and reforestation, in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

IX - Dates and Place

The Conference will be held from July 2 to 5, 2024, in Brazzaville, in the Republic of Congo, precisely at the International Conference Center of Kintélé, under the Most High patronage of His Excellency Mr. Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO, President of the Republic of Congo, Head of State.La Conférence se tiendra du 02 au 05 juillet 2024, à Brazzaville, en République du Congo, précisément au Centre International des Conférences de Kintélé, sous le Très Haut patronage de Son Excellence Monsieur Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO, Président de la République du Congo, Chef de l’Etat.